Ute's early work experience

1947 - 1955

Created by Melanie 4 years ago

Mum left school at 14 and went to domestic science school to become a "perfect housewife" as she put it.  It was hard work and she hated it.  However, what she learnt stayed with her and woe betide any cleaner or carer who didn't check every corner and wash the skirting boards at 5 Priest Hill! 

She then worked at another school but she was not allowed to learn anything interesting and when she was asked to kill the chickens by wringing their necks she ran away and found work in a hotel.  By this time she was 17 years old and as she had an unsuitable boyfriend at the time (according to her father!) he decided she should go to England to work as an au pair.  She made the long journey alone and after some confusion and great worry for her she was met at Liverpool Street Station by a lovely family.  They lived in Richmond and her job was to look after their four small children and learn English.  Her employer, Mrs Oppenheimer, became her second "Mutti", (Mum's words) and they treated her as one of the family.  When money became scarce for them she went to another family who treated her quite badly.  However, she did not stay there long as she had met our father, Tony Lord, and wanted to get married.  They moved into a little flat in Earls Court, London, and were very happy.

Mum's own words:
After the wedding I looked for a job, now I was married to an English man, I could take any job.  I found a job in Great Titchfield Street in a electrical wholesalers, Bennet & Fountain.  Mr Bennet who interviewed me loved everything German, so I got the job.  I had nothing to offer.  My school education was very poor.  The agency I went to were quite dishonest to Mr Bennet.  She rang him and told him that I could type, was very good at mathematics and had a good general standard of education.  So at the interview I was asked all those questions and replied with a "No".  Mr Bennet thereupon said "Mrs Lord, you must have some confidence in yourself".  He was a lovely boss and treated me like a daughter.  At Christmas all the staff got a bottle of sherry, I got a turkey with full cooking instructions from his wife!"
